Sunday, 25 May 2014


Angling is one of popular activities in Sungai Kong-Kong. There is many raft house built among the river. This raft house can be rented by fisherman based on package (see package on post below)

Follow these tips to ensure a safe fishing experience:
  • If using a boat to fish, wear a life jacket and make sure each passenger wears one, too.
  • Inspect waterfronts daily—the natural environment is subject to change without notice.
  • Don't fish in areas where it is not permitted. These areas have been declared “off limits” to protect wildlife, vegetation, or for your safety.
  • When choosing a site for fishing, always consider safety factors. Because fishing is practiced in a variety of environments, evaluate factors specific to safety in each environment.
  • Weather is always a factor. Set up a weather committee or rotate weather forecasting responsibilities.
  • Bring along extra safety items such as water, flashlights, maps, and a cell phone or radio.
  • Always wear foot gear appropriate to the conditions.
  • Stay dry, warm and protected from the elements. Wear a waterproof sunscreen with an SPF (sun protection factor) of at least 15. Wear thin layers of clothing that progress outward to include water and wind protection as the final layer.
  • Use appropriate insect protection measures, including proper clothing and repellents.
  • Keep fishing knives sharp and cover the blade when not in use.
  • Handle fish carefully.
  • Use safety glasses when casting.
  • Use caution when baiting and removing hooks.
figure shows fishermen pulling fish in the sea.

figure show fishermen managed to get the fish.

figure show fishermen are waiting for the fish on his rod.

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